Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Fall Equinox

I started a detox last monday. It is a good way to clear out all the junk that accumulated over the summer. A lot of emotions come out of a detox. You have to deal with problems and stresses and not being able to fall back on comfort food is difficult for me. Yet each time it is complete I want to stay eating as clean and healthy as possible. My yoga practice is always a solid foundation for me to lean on when I am doing the detox. A lot of negative emotions and thoughts have come up the past 2 weeks. I feel agitated with people and especially with myself. I grow impatient because I cannot find a quick fix for my problems. I narrowed it down to one thing that I think about myself:

I am not good enough!

I started analyzing all the things that I think about myself and how I honestly view my life. It is a hard topic to talk about because it is so honest. We all do it to varying degreees. We build up our friends and family, and then tear ourselves down. If we expect others to love us and treat us right then why don't we expect the same from ourselves. I cannot possibly love anyone if I can't learn this lesson. Because at the end of the day, I am alone, no one will take care of me better than myself. No one knows everything that I have been through, all of my mistakes, all the pain and heartache I have experienced. And no one can build you up the way that you can. Try saying something good about yourself. Sit down and actually write down all the good that is in your life. All the amazing things that you have in your life. If you can't write anything down start with this....

Why is it that I can clean out my body, I can do yoga for hours on end and run miles along the beach but I can't tell myself that I am enough. That I am changing peoples lives.

I am tired of beating myself up, promising that I will change tomorrow. You can tell yourself something positive right NOW! Force yourself each day to say only good things and see what changes in your life. I will tell you I have been doing this for a couple months now and I get exhausted hanging out with people that are down trodden about their life. They complain about all the problems in their life instead of being grateful for what they have. 
So make the choice, clean the body, clean the mind and clean out all the negative!

Love begets courage, moderation creates abundance and humiliation generates power.        --Rumi

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