Friday, August 30, 2013

to infinity

however far we go, we can always go further. 

A task that seems daunting, overwhelming and stressful. But who set the bar for working too much, for loving too much? We did. We set it based on what we saw the world around us doing. We see how our parents loved each other and that formed how we loved in our life. We saw how many hours our parents worked, or lack of, and we set that forth as our standard of a work ethic. Somewhere along the path, that idea may of shifted and our standard was changed. So I ask you, how far are you willing to go in life? How much love can you give into this world? Set your own standard.

It is with a new mindset, a new outlook that I write this. Life can be as simple as a breath. It is from that breath that life was given to us. And everyday I continue to breathe, I continue to put my feet down and step into this life I was given. I approach each day as its own and I step into the possibility that I am here not just as a being occupying space in this world but that I was given a reason for being here. I am here to create, to love and to give all that I can each and everyday.

Here is to infinity, to the belief that when I change, the world will in turn will be changed. Here is to the belief that I am a work in progress, never finished growing, always open to new ideas, new challenges and new possibilities!

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