Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Fight to be Right, Is Really Wrong!


I see this constant fight over being right, over having the upper hand. This struggle in life to be right and to prove yourself to be validated. Lawyers are required to look at all angles on a case, to argue each side and try to make their argument more valid than the other. What do you really win when you argue with someone else? We will all be right, all be wrong and yet it will not get us any further in life. We are all different in how we were raised, how we learn or communicate. Understand that in each relationship that you have. Be forgiving of each other as we stumble and loving, full of praise when someone succeeds.

So much of our suffering in this world is caused from a lack of perspective. As we enter new phases of life, our perspective changes, we feel pain in a different way, we feel joy never felt. When I was a teenager I started coaching gymnastics. I saw these girls so eager to learn and I loved watching them over the years get stronger, more agile and eventually move up through the levels of competition. Some of them grew tired of doing the same thing. In reality, we are never doing the same thing, each moment is a chance to grow, to learn more. I love yoga because there is no ceiling, you can never arrive. All through life, experiences and moments happen that make you see life differently. We all want to be right, to win people over to our team. But really there is no team, no one wins at the end of their life, we pass on.

Perspective is never about being right. When ego gets in the way of your decision making, you will always lose. When you can see life through the eyes of another, their pain, their past and look into their eyes in the present and understand each word that comes out of their mouth, the actions that pour forth from their hands. Then you can truly understand why that person is the way they are. As a society we love labels, not just on our clothing but on people as well. Anorexic, over-indulgent, successful, depressed, workaholics, etc., we give these labels to people all day without putting much thought into it but we never look into why people are the way they are. How did they get to this point?

I have been judged so much in life. In grade school I was always called anorexic. I had to go home and ask my mom what it meant and even after I knew I never understood how these girls knew what that meant. It hurt my feelings and I tried to eat to prove to them that I was not anorexic at 7 years old. This is the culture that I was raised in. It is horrible, awful and toxic to our self-esteem. As a woman I have dealt with jealous women that just want to hurt me and win a race. It is horrible to think that there is a race, that we are not in this whole race together. To lift someone up when they are down and to celebrate beauty, success and love. Instead we have to cheat, lie and steal to get ahead. Ahead of what?

The tragedy that we faced on Friday will never be forgotten. We ask questions such as, why children? Why them? How can we prevent this? All I can say and from the bottom of my heart is that this is life. Death is a part of life and you will never know when your last breath will be. Change your perspective on life, on death, on your yoga practice, on your spouse, on your best friend. Open up your eyes to this beautiful world that is all around you! The key is to understanding that in reality we know nothing. The truth is what we believe it to be.

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