Saturday, January 12, 2013

i will NEVER stop

If I could tell people one thing about me that has never changed it is that I will never stop. I will always change, learn, grow and evolve. The key to my inspiration is that it comes from this constant desire, a flame that will never be put out. I will never stop teaching, stop being a student or stop myself from doing something out of fear. Inside each of us is a flame, we ignite that flame to burn a little brighter, to feel that sense of belonging, of tradition and respect for the past yet growth towards what lies ahead.

I love stories so here is what inspired this post. I had a friend in town over New Year's and we went to the church where her parents were married. Probably not the most desired places that I would have thought to take her or even find inspiration but that is what happened. We walk into this Lebanese Catholic Church in Beverly Hills and I immediately felt at peace. I sat in the pews as she went around taking pictures. I could not help sitting down and just taking it all in. As I sit here and write all the emotions from then come pouring in. I don't know what it is about church or for that fact religion that bring such a calm to my being. I hate going to church and being told what to do, I hate telling people that there are rules they have to live by. But just being in that space, looking at the rows of candles or sitting and seeing this empty church brought about this feeling that I have not had in years, patience. 
I find that one thing I always have with people is patience, as long as you are honest with yourself, patience is key to change.

I am a question person, and so here is my list of questions for you. Answer them or just read....
Why do we value one building over another?
One person over another?
Does religion affect spirituality?
Can you bring religion, this feeling of peace into your yoga practice?
Can you bring it in to the room?
Do you want people to feel that from yoga?
Is that your job to tell people yoga is a form of church or is that blasphemy?

I sat in that church and I told myself that this is what yoga should be cultivating in students. Silence, trust, cleanliness, honor and respect. No matter your beliefs. We all come together united in this space to work out our faults, insecurities and weaknesses. It is a place to support, grow and love each other. 
I want people to walk in a room where I am teaching and feel like they just need to sit down, lay down but just shut their mouth and listen to their body, shut this thinking brain off and allow my voice to carry them through a practice that is tailored to heal, transform and inspire their life.
That is my goal and I hope it becomes yours one day as well.

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