Saturday, January 26, 2013

i will NEVER stop: Living

Be daring, take a risk and go for what your heart desires. Words that I wrote listening to Fast Cars. Have you ever been in a moment that is so exhilarating where all else just seems so insignificant, so dull and boring? I challenge you to find those moments, those people and never let them leave your life. Surround yourself with people who fly above all the rest, that want to speed into their dreams and make them come true! 

I see so many people that have this false sense of security. They must lock their doors, they have an alarm and a door man that keep them a fortress to get to. Are you ever secure, free from pain or suffering? If someone wants to break into your house, all of those "security" precautions are not going to stop them. The same is true in life. Your never protected from a car accident, a health scare or heartbreak. They happen and sometimes when you least expect it to. That should never prevent you from getting in a car or living life. In fact it should make you want to enjoy this day. 

So many times we are scared to tell someone how we feel, we are afraid to ask for a raise or to stand up for ourselves. We feel SECURE by what is currently holding us. We always say that we want to change, we want to be married but when the time comes---fear strikes!

The night of my motorcycle accident I knew I should not go on motorcycles, I knew how dangerous they were but I am a risk taker. To some, a flaw. To me, it shows me that no matter how hard life may kick me down, I will always try, I will stay strong when everything around me has given way. I only have this one life and I want to end it knowing I did experience life and never let a moment slip by me because I was too afraid to speak my mind or try something new. My accident gave me a platform to help others who have been through the same rebuilding process. So I challenge you to get out of your comfort zone. I don't want you to get on a motorcycle necessarily but I do want to inspire you to live without the fear of something turning out badly. It can be small changes, it can be the biggest leap you have ever taken, but when it comes to life, never be afraid to live!

I want you to get uncomfortable, I want you to struggle. Then you will not only grow, you will thrive! 

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