Sunday, February 17, 2013

Yoga Mat For Sale

I was tired.
I was uninspired.
I was restless.
I was irritated....

....I was over my yoga practice!

Change is always occurring, are you aware that it is happening? Are you open to change? 
When my daily routine had not changed but my reaction, my action and my inability to act all changed that meant it was time for me to change.

I saw that my body awareness had reached a level that my actions were not at. I needed to start living my yoga a little more than I was practicing it. I could take this as, I am lazy and just need to get up and go to class. I understand being tired, sore, bored, that was not what was going on here. I was depleted of energy, in the sense that I could not give anything to myself, not a practice, not even a motivational pep talk in the morning.

I sat down and wrote down what was inspiring me:
1. William Fitzsimmons
2. Coffee: black and very hot
3. Sunshine and Sunglasses
4. Large Kale Salads
5. Big t-shirts and knee high socks

When I finished my list, not one person was on that list. I realized that used to be the only thing on my list. I was inspired by people, their courage, their honesty and the truth that they stood for. I had a late dinner with a friend of mine later that day and I told her what was going on. I knew I had shut some people out but honestly I had nothing to give them, nothing to take from them and needed time to be alone. I was at this place where no one had much to offer me, things were starting to take their place. 

I needed to take time out to close my eyes and settle in to a new practice. To reduce situations, circumstances and people who deplete me of my vitality and enthusiasm for life. She understood. There was no advice to give, no words because we both knew exactly what was happening. I was changing. Like the seasons, like the moon cycles, new life is breathed into the earth and my winds were blowing. Friends come, enemies come and as soon as they serve their purpose in our life they leave. One day they might show up again but ultimately I am on a journey with myself and right now I am happy with my socks, ray bans and cup of coffee. For now, this is me. Excited for what tomorrow holds and what today has taught me!

I know this blog is all about connecting from the yoga mat to the real world. Sometimes your yoga mat doesn't need to be rolled out it needs to be sold. It needs to be given to someone that needs it more than I do. So I ask you all, 

What is it that you need to step away from?

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