Sunday, February 24, 2013

Living Your Story

At some point we recognize that the world of sensations alone cannot bring us genuine peace or happiness. 

My moment came over three years ago after my motorcycle accident. I had never felt more alone or without a purpose in my life. When you are forced to lay in a hospital bed you get that time to think and see the actions or in my case the inaction of friends and people that said they cared about me. I had this pain not just in my physical body but in my soul. I saw that life was full of distractions (especially in Las Vegas) and I wanted to discover a part of life that gave me value. 

I look back at that time in my life and see that it was just a chapter of my life. I can go back and re-read it as much as I want but that part of my life is over. Each one of us is a living story, we are writing the story of our life. You can allow these outside influences to change the story, you can decide when a new chapter begins and where you decide to put the climax of your life. We have identity points in the story, they shape who we are, how we identify with others and ourself. But that identity that we "think" we are is just a tiny glimpse into the ultimate essence of who you really are. 

I started doing some reading about the physical body.....
98% of the atoms in your body are being replaced annually. Your stomach lining every five days, your skin every month and your liver replaces itself every six weeks. If our physical body can renew itself in that time span how much so can we reshape our mental and spiritual aspects as well. Nature is always in this cycle of renewing and our bodies are part of that cycle as well. 

If your physical body is constantly renewing so your mental and spiritual body are also in that same state. All of these feelings are part of the natural cycle of life. It is a sign that it is time to change your view, change up your life and shift your focus.

The nourishment of my body comes from food, my mind from books, but the nourishment of my soul comes from yoga.

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