Sunday, February 3, 2013


As I sit here in the beautiful San Francisco Bay I look out to a different part of California. I am not in my normal element, I don't know anyone, I am watching life from a different view of unfamiliar territories and I cannot help but to see that we are connected. We are all longing to connect, to feel apart of something that is bigger than us. We all get bogged down with daily stress and pressure to fit in when we already do. I find that when my expectations for life simplify I have found a new appreciation for sunsets, for meeting complete strangers that are nicer than some of my real friends and joy in having coffee and watching the city come alive.

  I started this year off with my blog being a primary focus. To grow, to experience life in a whole new way. This weekend I am excited to be here in the bay and watch some amazing football but above that my goal to travel is starting to blossom. Driving up here and taking the time to  sit down and observe life from a coffee shop is what I feel called to do. I like the change of pace, the unfamiliar territory and the inspiration that I gain to push harder, be stronger and learn every single day. I ask myself questions all the time. And it was never the questions that were hard to ask it was the answer. I had bad habits. Not lazy habits, bad habits. Calling up friends that I knew were toxic because I was bored. Grabbing dinner with a friend when I knew I should just stay in and save the money. Staying out late with friends when I had to teach in the morning.

So what happened is I answered those questions. Being in a new place you are able to clear your mind and seperate the problem from the emotion....or at least for me.
It was hard to put the answers into action. Hard to cut ties.
I started feeling guilty when I would go back to something I knew was not serving me.

Then events started occurring that made those people disappear.
And I started to see that I was given a gift. A precious gift that was wrapped in the most beautiful way.
I was given a chance to start over. To begin again. And to slowly let people in my life that served a purpose.

I was given this blog as a way to keep me on track. I love sharing my life, my thoughts and my heart with anyone who will read. Above all, this blog is my life through yoga. How can I practice what I preach!

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