Sunday, March 3, 2013

Great Expectations

Setting yourself up for success means never quitting. It means taking the high road, doing the unexpected and taking a leap of faith that all your hard work will pay off. In High School I read the book "Great Expectations," a coming of age narrative. While this topic is not so much the same story line, each life has twists and turns in it. We set goals and then life happens, unexpected twists and so how do we deal with those twists and keep true despite conflict to finish and see the resolution. And so here I go again....

What are your actions and reactions saying about you?

What expectations do we set for ourselves? For total strangers? Friends? Family? Lovers? 

What happens when someone exceeds those expectations? When they fail miserably? What is our response?

Are they coming from ignorance (not knowing the expectations) or from spite, fear and jealousy? 

Yoga philosophy speaks about having non attachment, a letting go of what is beyond your control. I deeply believe in this and yet to have expectations comes with the attachment to the end result. You want to earn more money, you want to run a marathon are all great goals to have and very normal. I used to set goals, get injured and then my goal was never met. But what does that say? It says I was afraid or I was not ready to see that goal be met, I needed more work, more needed to be accomplished on my end.

We come as we are, to make an imprint in this world, and big or small it all makes a difference.

I sat down a couple months ago and wrote down my goals, my vision and how I can set myself up to achieve those goals. I know that life happens, injury happens and I am accepting that the path can always change. My passions and what I love about myself and others, that too can change but it is with an open heart and honesty that I dive into each day setting myself up for success and an abundance of wealth.

I will never expect perfection from anyone but I expect the right actions from an honest heart. 

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