Monday, March 11, 2013


I hear excuses all day long.
I can't
I am
I am not...
All followed by some reason.

We have concieved these notions about who we are, where we belong, what our limitations are.

Think of your mind as a giant cup, this cup is full of ideas, ego and knowledge. In order to grow and learn you have to release old habits, thought patterns and listen and apply what others are saying to you. A student understands that they know nothing. 

"You have to empty your mind of all it thought was so in order to take in what I have to teach you."

I have been going over and over that for awhile this past week and it started to take on new life. I looked at students while they practiced and noticed that they all fit into one of the following categories:

Empty Cup (Always Listen)

Half-Filled Cup (Half Listen)

Over-Flowing Cup (Never Listen)

I also looked at my relationships, past and present and saw that people who had an over-flowing cup never stayed in my life. I am someone that wants to be heard as are most people. There is this balance in life of letting go and taking in. When someone thinks they know better than you or there is not a give and take on both sides, growth stops and the relationship dies.

You come to yoga to correct your misalignment, your bad habits and to find that clarity. If your cup is already full, where will my instruction go? Why are you here? 

Yoga is as simple as you let it be. It is about being mindful in your actions, from day to day and moment to moment. Yoga is to happen everyday. It is a habit. It is a choice you make every moment. Yoga begins today. Tomorrow. And everyday after that. There is no accelerated course or a level you must arrive at.

I think if yoga has taught me anything it is that I am not in control of anything. Especially my students. It simply is. When you realize that the practice is simple. It does not change. You change. Then you will see the real power behind the practice. Stop trying to change sequences. Stop trying to add music to drown out the silence. Allow yoga to change you, to shape you and to be a mirror to all the bad habits in your life. 

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