Sunday, March 31, 2013

Beauty & Vulnerability

Being able to trust is reliant upon the fact that we are vulnerable. Otherwise, we would never need the help of another, we would need nothing to satisfy our desires. If you're vulnerable, you're able to love, to share and to trust that what happened to you only makes you more beautiful.

All that we do, from the moment we open our eyes every morning is reliant upon the fact that we trust circumstances to take place, we trust that our bodies will be healthy, our jobs will provide us the support to pay our way through life, that our cars will get us to work each day, that we will eat food that is whole and full of nutrients for our bodies.

If I could sum up the last couple of months of my life it would come down to the reality that I was not able to trust. People would fail me and then come out of nowhere and surprise me with some grand act. I would be so busy with work making all sorts of money and the next week....crickets. I learned that I cannot trust to rely on anything. I thought someone was my friend, guess what, they failed me too. I had my car hit, my car broken in to, I had jobs disappear and then new jobs appear out of nowhere. I quickly realized that everything in my life is a gift. It can be taken away at any moment. This day is a gift, that you can spend how you choose.

How my thoughts, they spin me around.
How my thoughts, they let me down.
How my dreams, they spin me around.
How my dreams, they let me down.
….and then there’s you!

Savasana, Corpse Pose. Laying there on the mat, in utter silence, proves that we are weak. It shows the world that I cannot do everything. That I need rest, I need to rejuvenate my body in order to be what I was destined to be. Laying there makes you contemplate life, are you doing what you set out to accomplish, what is your true purpose in life and are you fully surrendering yourself to the ultimate purpose you were destined for? Are you ready to die? I find that the more I accept my life, I enjoy my life and appreciate each moment, each encounter with another human I realize that there is a plan for my life. I fully appreciate that I cannot do everything. I was meant to have friends, and someone in my life that comes on board, to assist me in areas that I am weak in. Being vulnerable is all about sharing that weakness, your mistakes, your human nature. But in that moment, true greatness is realized. Despite what flaws may be present, your still loved, you can still love in return. And that is beautiful!

I read this great explanation of Hatha Yoga this morning as I was preparing to write this. Hatha, Ha means sun or heat and tha means moon or cool. The sun, never fades as the moon is just a reflection of the light from the sun. Knowing and realizing that is yoga. I read that and it resonated with the thought that in order to truly shine we have to be vulnerable. That which reflects when we are truly uncomfortable is who we are. Are we happy when things don’t go our way? When we have to lay on the floor, sweating, tired and ready to just leave, can we find a place in ourselves that can surrender? Are we ready to let it go? Shine bright when the sun is out, when it fades. At all times, just shine on!

I leave you with that thought on this rainy easter sunday. Enjoy and be blessed! XO

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