Tuesday, July 23, 2013

to me.

This week had been a beat down. A let down not only of friends but of their ability to just let me be. I was surrounded by people who told me that there are worse problems in the world, in fact I told myself that. The fact was, everything that could go wrong was going wrong and as my defense I just could not speak. I had nothing to say and when I did it was filled with rage and anger. I had no time to get on my mat, to move my body and clear out the negative outlook I was experiencing. I relied on my yoga practice to heal me, to help me but I had no time to get on my mat.

I was granted this day to tackle these problems. They are mine. I own them. But that gives me the ability to change my circumstances. To let my problems rule me or to rule my problems.
I need time to feel furious in order to feel thankful. 

This is my way of telling the world that I am human. I can feel every emotion. I need to feel betrayed in order to feel loved. I need to be down in order to experience the richness that life has to offer. We have to FEEL, we have to experience all these range of emotions and life experiences. I am still becoming me, I am still a student and I am still trying to find my way. When we surrender the outcome and enjoy the journey, this week of a beat down will be forgotten. Staying true to myself, speaking from my heart I write this week.

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